Tag Archives: fidalgo do summerwind

Your chance to own a Summerwind Marchador!

Offered for sale or reservation!  Lots of opportunities to own a Summerwind Marchador!

These future foals “do Summerwind” have superior pedigrees, wonderful disposition, beauty and gait.  We breed for uniqueness, seeking to increase the genetic diversity in the Marchador population.  That is why we are focused in finding individuals who commit to breeding and producing another Marchador generation.

We offer payment plans and creative ways to get you your first Marchador foal!

For Reservation – 100% ownership or partner with us 25% or 50%

Arun de Maripa in Brazil
Arun de Maripa

Expected March 2017  Azenha de Maripa x Arun de Maripa.   L “do Summerwind”. Weaned and ready to go October 2017.  Our first Arun foal.   Arun is producing fabulous offspring in Brazil and this is only the 2nd foal of his in the U.S.   Black or bay color.  Marcha batida.     Azenha produces fabulous foals – Beethoven, Hawke, Hemingway are shining examples.   This is a great chance for you to have a pure Maripa-bred Marchador!

12439217_459018270954902_5023357053976833523_nExpected November 2017 Isabelle do Great Lakes x Talisma Kafe.   “L2 do Summerwind”.   Weaned around May or June 2018.   A full sibling to everyone’s favorite Jedi-Knight do Summerwind  25% chance of blue roan, 25% chance for black, 25% chance fo blue roan tobiano, 25% chance for black tobiano!  100% chance for great gait and temperament!


For Sale – 

Imperio do SummerwindImperio do Summerwind – Destiny do Summerwind x Talisma Kafe.   Buckskin tobiano gelding that is truly unique and special.  Buy him today and finish the training that you want on him as a 3 year old, or have us finish him for you.   Today’s price as a 2.5  year old is listed at $12,500, but we will be increasing that soon.  Now is the time!   Payment plan offered, as always.

And, don’t forget we always have at least 7 stallions on ice – ready to ship frozen semen for breeding!  Expect to be impressed!




November ABCCMM Inspection

In early November, Summerwind requested an ABCCMM inspection  and Dr. Kate Barcelos came to the U.S. for a super quick trip.   ABCCMM inspectors are licensed veterinarians that receive extensive training from the ABCCMM, the Brazilian Marchador Association.

We were able to arrange with other breeders so that more Marchadors also got to be seen in AZ, TX and FL.

Our inspection day was beautiful and  almost 20 Marchador owners and lovers were there to see it for the first time!   Asking questions and learning about what the ABCCMM is seeking in the standard of the breed, they were able to understand more about the Marchador gait, conformation and temperament requirements.   Great for them, that both a foal inspection and definitive inspections were shown and the branding as well.

Foals are inspected for markings, DNA, and genetic defects (disqualification).   Adult Marchadors are inspected and ridden for gait, conformation and temperament.    A minimum score is required to pass for stallions, mares and geldings with the stallion score being the highest.

Inspected in AZ were:

  • Fidalgo do Summerwind – gelding, definitive
  • Jedi-Knight do Summerwind –  foal, provisional
  • Flying Oaks Abaiba Real for Flying Oaks Ranch, OK – stallion, definitive

Inspected in TX were:

  • Destiny do Summerwind – mare, definitive
  • Imperio do Summerwind – foal, provisional
  • Cassandra do MManor – mare, both provisional and definitive
  • Eduardo do MManor – foal, on file awaiting sire’s ABCCMM registration.

Summerwind is committed to the quality and diversity of the Marchador breed here and we think the Brazilian inspection process is a great tradition to uphold.

For more information on the ABCCMM inspection process, you can click on this link to read more about it.



Stress-Free Weaning

Saddle and Stirrups – Issue 35

Please click on the pictures below to view larger to read the article!  Also available on your ipad!

You can also view other Saddle and Stirrups issues where the Marchador is featured!

Subscribe to this innovative ipad magazine today!  Filled with great information, photos and videos.  The Mangalarga Marchador will be featured often.

You can order from itunes or by visiting their website

SW Update – NC gets 3 of the best MMs!

Before leaving for the MM clinic and Colorado, we said goodbyes to more Marchadors that we love.  North Carolina more than doubled its MM population from 2 to 5 with this one move.  (Both of the new owners already owned one Marchador mare.)  We have known since before birth, that these SW Future Foals would be going, but that doesn’t make it easier to see them off.

We made these videos to send them off to the new homes. (We sent a whole care package out with our foals and the video is just part of the information and “stuff” that come with each SW Future Foal.)   We had some trepidation because of the long trip, but also knowing that Ned Leigh would take great care.   We waited for the reports to come in from the new owners.  And they were THRILLED — just as we expected.  We are thrilled for them!

We rode Bella (Elba Cruzalta) and Bacara do Summerwind for a short ride last Wednesday. Bella was a bit concerned leaving Tigre but handled beautifully.  She is so smooth and well behaved.  I absolutely love that horse.”  Tigre is well accepted by all the mares and is quite the celebrity here.”  Jeff Bosley, SW Future Foal @ Lumber Bridge, NC

Fidalgo is doing so well. I can tell what a great training base you gave him. He moves away from pressure beautifully, and is generally very responsive.   Fidalgo now comes when he sees me, even though he is out with Aries (8month saddlebred colt) and the other day I had just left the pasture after dropping some hay, and was leaning on the gate watching the horses. Fidalgo left the hay, and Aries, and came over to the gate to say hello.” Lynn Boone, Jacksonville, NC