Imported from Brazil by Summerwind Marchadors Frozen Semen Only
Stud fee: $900 per insemination dose
Date of Birth: 1999 (semen collected at age 12)
Breed: Mangalarga Marchador
Gait: Marcha Batida
Height: 14.3 H
Registry: ABCCMM, Approved for breeding, USMMA
Export Qualified
La Paz Jivago is a proven producer on two continents and three countries!
ABCCMM inspected and approved for breeding, Jivago is a striking, muscular, metallic buckskin stallion with quality to spare! His conformation and personality define perfection! Jivago´s marching gait is show quality and his canter is to die for. A true herd stallion, he passes on his greatness! Jivago foals get the bone, body, and athleticism this lineage is known for!
Jivago is a mix of Favacho and Tabatinga (historic lineages) that are unique on this continent. He is a foundation breeding stallion – one of the best imported MM stallion in North America. His foals prove it.
Click here for Jivago’s pedigree.
Click here for Jivago’s offspring.
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