Tag Archives: George Vilar


May 2023 ABCCMM InspecMon Visit and Clinic – Arizona

Dr. George Vilar traveled to the US to hold ABCCMM inspections planned in Phoenix, ScoHsdale and Sedona AZ. Sandwiched in on Sunday was a joint ABCCMM/USMMA clinic on Sunday.

May 21 – Inspection in Phoenix and ScoHsdale May 22 – Clinic in Phoenix
May 23 – Inspection in Sedona

We had a great weekend! All MM horses passed! 6 preliminary inspections and 1 definitive inspection.

  • Galante do Lucero – 13 yo buckskin gelding
  • Paloma do Summerwind – almost 2 yo palomino/grey filly
  • Que-Pasa de Harvest Meadows, yearling bay colt
  • Querida do Summerwind – 7 month old black tobiano filly
  • Rae do Summerwind – 7 month old black tobiano file
  • Remington do Summerwind – 8 day old buckskin colt
  • Rhapsody do Summerwind – month old buckskin filly

ABCCMM Inspec;on part 1 – PROVISIONAL. ABCCMM-eligible foals get inspected for genetic defects, whorls, markings and color recorded, hair is pulled for DNA Parental Verification and the last step is microchipping. Foals must pass this inspection to be eligible for the next inspection – part 2.

ABCCMM Inspection part 2 – DEFINITIVE. Adult horses – Galante do Lucero -the only one in this visit – they get inspected for conformation, many measurements and angles recorded, and height. Then under saddle they are judged for quality and the marcha gait. In both parts of the inspection, they are also judged for temperament – calmness, docility, willingness etc.

Only MM horses that pass the ABCCMM inspection are registered in the ABCCMM breeding books and they can produce ABCCMM progeny. (The USMMA registry is a Parental and DNA based registry without inspections).

On Sunday, the clinic was taught by Dr. George Vilar, ABCCMM technician, judge and clinician. It was training needed for the Mangalarga Marchador from youth to under saddle. Ground work included many common exercises but with more emphasis on the legs working independently to enable the disassocia;on needed in the gait.

Under saddle, the ground work was repeated as a warm- up for the horse – relaxing, stretching and bending. Then under saddle, the focus changed to transitions with the canter being used as a method to get the rider and the horse used to speed and impulsion.

The speed was used as a indication of how fast the horse should/might move in the marcha gait, but not allowed to move into the canter.

All the riders and horses did great, although in the heat, everyone was tired quickly. We followed the clinic with food and a social time for everyone to talk there. There are many new Marchador owners and USMMA members in AZ so George also used the time to explain and show the ABCCMM online registration system.

We had a professional photographer, so more photos may be coming and also captured the whole session on video. We hope to edit and condense the video and share it with all members.

Thank you Dr. George Vilar for coming and the wonderful, professional service you always bring. Thanks to all the USMMA who participated In the clinic and who honor the tradition of the ABCCMM registration and inspection process. We all learn something every time.

May ABCCMM Inspection

Dr George Vilar and a group of owners, breeders and spectators all came to the May 1 inspection held in Phoenix Arizona.

Inspected and approved for ABCCMM definitive registration

  • Nandor do Summerwind
  • Nobre do Summerwind
  • Bento do Saint Horse
  • Giselle do Dream Catcher

Inspected and approved for ABCCMM provisional registration

  • Qiara do Summerwind
  • Qupid do Summerwind
  • Qyra do Summerwind

Scottsdale Show!

Fun, Fun and more fun! Summerwind Marchadors and Summerwind Future Foal breeders were there at the USMMA show at The 17 Ranch for Mangalarga Marchador sport competitions. Pole-Bending, Barrel Racing and the Marchador Ideal Functional test combining a lot of obstacles in one test.

Dr. George Vilar, ABCCMM was the show coach and judge for the weekend.

Friday was a trail ride in the McDowell Sonoran Preserve enjoyed by 19 people and Saturday was the competition with 16. Here are the photos and results! Enjoy our gallery!

  • Bacara do Summerwind, 2nd place poles, with Jeff, 1st place barrels with Jeff, 2nd place Marchador Ideal with Jeff, Reserve Champion, Men.
  • Brasilia do Summerwind – 3rd place barrels with Elizabeth, 1st place Marchador Ideal with Elizabeth, Reserve Champion Pro (tie)
  • Caboclo da Piedade – 2nd place poles with Lindsey, 3rd place poles with Lindsey, 2nd place Marchador Ideal with Cathy. Reserve champion, Women’ group.
  • Caesar do Summerwind – 2nd place poles with D.j., 2nd place barrels with D.j. Reserve Champion Pro (tie)
  • Koyote Libertas – 3rd place poles with Ashley, Pro.
  • Tigre Feliz do Summerwind – 2nd place, Marchador Ideal with DJ (Pro) and Best Novice showing with Ingrid

Special thanks to all those who rode for us – an awesome job! and to all those who volunteered for the event! And for all those who helped sponsor the event!