August 17-18
Our friends are coming to visit! And we are taking advantage of their talents to offer a clinic/get-together at our ranch in August. Please come and join us ! You can bring your Marchador or use one of ours! You can just sit, listen and laugh. It will be fun and educational.
If you wish to participate with a horse, the cost of the clinic will be $100 per day or $200. First 2 to sign up get the early bird special – 1/2 off! Let let me know if you want to use one of our horses for the clinic. I will try to match riders and horses. N/C.
If you wish to audit, the cost of the clinic will be $15 per day.
Included in the lectures and riding:
- About the Mangalarga Marchador
- Gait Genetics Study Findings
- Marcha Gaits and Techniques to Improve them
- Assessment of each horse and rider
- Versatility and Gait Competition and Judging

Dr. Laura Patterson – Lives in Salvador, Bahia, Brazil. But, being English too, she speaks Portuguese and English fluently. A great friend to have in Brazil! She is a vet, rider, trainer of all breeds and has exported Campolina horses to Mexico. The Campolina horse is a larger breed, but with similar gaits to the Marchador, mostly marcha picada is popular in Bahia. Laura brings a wealth of experience and knowledge wherever she goes and we are happy that she is willing to share it with us. In 2012, Laura and Ann worked together on behalf of the ABCCMM, the Marchador association in Brazil. This year, Laura got the opportunity to study at Cornell and took it!

Dr. Ann Staiger – We first met Ann because of her study on gait genetics. The ABCCMM became one of her biggest fans, flying her to Brazil to collect DNA, measurements, surveys and videos of the Marchadors to be included in her study. Originally from Maryland, her gaited breed is the TWH. Her family owns and breed them. But she loves all horses. Ann studied at OSU, Masters in Animal Science and Breeding, and now Cornell PhD in animal science and equine genetics. It is where she is seeking to discover and explain gait and temperament of gaited horses by finding a gait gene and gait gene combination with conformation traits. We are quite impressed with her and her work. For more information on her study, follow this link:
It should be a small and intimate group with plenty of time for one on one instruction if that is what you want. Or, you can just sit at the picnic table and soak it all in as a spectator.
If you are interested, I can send out driving information, hotel information, camping information or whatever you need. Come early or stay late! We can share more time together than just the clinic days.
Please respond to me if you can make it! I will send an invoice via PayPal or you can mail a check. This is a special event, it can’t be repeated easily!
Thanks so much for being passionate about the Mangalarga Marchador!
Planning for the future:
Winter 2013 or Spring 2014
The Dead-Broke Rider with Ned Leigh, Equine Focus
Human to Horse with Alessandra Deerinck (probably in CA)