We love company! And riding together! We did stay safe during this COVID year.
We hope you will come visit next summer and meet our Summerwind Marchadors!
D.j.’s wedding, the Kid’s Camp, the Women’s Retreat, Cathy’s visit, Jason’s visit, Aline’s visit, Lucy’s family riding, Sayra’s visit, D.j’s family riding and all the regulars too!
The women were awesome – everyone had a personal best or breakthrough moment.
Watch for a new thought process is our teaching – called ADAPTIVE TRAINING. I will be writing about this for months to come. It was our breakthrough moment.
To see more about the camps, click here and sign up for 2021!
A Silver Stables event held at Summerwind Marchadors in Pagosa Springs CO. D.j. Sims, the instructor, tailors the camps to the interests and riding abilities of the students. The first day is matching the horse and rider and sometimes trying 2 or 3 horses before we have a fit! Then the students get to know the horse they will be riding for the majority of the time – in the arena, on the meadow course and out on trails.
Artemis do Summerwind
Caboclo da Piedade
Ceasar do Summerwind jumping on the meadow course
We did more than just ride – tubing on the San Juan!
Join us for a truly unique Marchador Experience in beautiful Pagosa Springs, Colorado! Spend your days galloping through beautiful meadows all while learning more about our favorite horses, the Marchadors!
Afternoons are extra horse sessions such as ground work finesse, acupuncture and other non-horse activities like our famous Hot Springs, Tubing the San Juan, Plein Air Painting, Thingamajig Theatre and much more!
Summerwind Marchadors Ranch in Pagosa Springs, CO is the venue for the Silver Stables summer camps being planned.
The first camp will host Silver Stables young riders and students for a long fourth of July weekend.
The second camp is a new Women’s Retreat being planned for a long weekend in early August. See attached flyer for some ideas.
Both camps are already almost full, but we would love to hear from you if you have an interest in attending.
Summerwind Marchadors and Silver Stables teamed up to offer a July 4th weekend camp to young riding students of Silver Stables. What fun! We were happy we did this!
The girls had fun with many activities around town over the fourth – like the fireworks, the parade and the rodeo. During the day, they rode Marchador horses! We offered them many horses and matched horses to riders during the first day. In the program were seven Marchador horses: Artemis do Summerwind, Brasilia do Summerwind, Caboclo da Piedade, Caesar do Summerwind, Fidalgo do Summerwind, Jorge-Ben de Lazy T and Koyote Libertas.
Great riders! Great horses! They did arena work, outside course work, and trail riding, including the grand finale, a bareback trail ride. Great guests too – all staying in our barn apartment, like a giant sleepover.
We think we will offer this again! Our horses were never so well-groomed, lol.