Tag Archives: equine journal

Equine Journal Marchador article

In January, the Equine Journal published a page about the Mangalarga Marchador breed in Bits and Pieces!   The photo chosen for the article is Beethoven do Summerwind (La Paz Jivago x Azenha de Maripa).  Beethoven is owned by Laurie Klassen in SK Canada.   Photo by Judy Wood.



Click on the pdf file below if you’d like to download the page.


Click on this link if you’d like to access the Equine Journal.   Equine Journal’s audience is mainly in New England.


We appreciate it when we get press, especially when it’s their idea!   We hope their readers loved the article.     There is currently only one Marchador in New England.  And that Marchador is gelding, Chama-Lustre do Lucero, with Cyndy Falvey in Maine.