Tag Archives: David Steele Baily

David Steele Baily 1944-2013

David, my sister Katie’s husband, passed away in May, losing his battle with cancer.  He did get to stay at home, and it was such a comfort to be at home.

David loved so many things, but one of them was photography.   One of the reasons we have such an extensive library of horse photos and family photos is because he was always taking pictures!   Below is an album of some of his photography work and some pictures  of him and our family.  I tried to pick horse photos that were recognizable and some that people have never seen.    Just click on the photo to see it full size.

The memorial service for him was beautiful, with poems, readings, singing and prepared remembrances.  What was surprising and touching though, were the unprepared remarks from the congregation.   The service lasted almost two hours with people telling stories, sharing pranks and recalling kindnesses.   They said that David continued to show them how to live, even up to the very end.   Just the Friday before he died, he made it to the weekly coffee get-together in Collinsville.  Living life to the fullest; always an adventure.

The part that got to me though was when my sister read.  LOVE by Ray Croft.  I don’t know how she could do it.  I just bawled.   “I love you not for what you are, but for what I am when I am with you.”   For the whole reading, follow this link.  It is beautiful.   http://rinabeana.com/poemoftheday/index.php/category/roy-croft/

We will love you forever, David!   Thank you.