Marchador Weekend! April 29 & 30 2017

You are welcome to come to any or all events!   Sign up today to join us!

April 29, Saturday morning:

ABCCMM Foal inspection and barn crawl.   FREE!

Kadencia - day 1.
Kadencia – day 1.

The inspection of the foal looks for heritable defects, takes note of markings and hair whorls and microchips the foal.   During this inspection, you can meet a Marchador at any of the farms and learn more about the breed.    Brazilian inspector is Dr. George Vilar.

9:00 a.m.    Silver Stables, Phoenix.  Inspection for Kharisma do Summerwind, MM colt born 10/2016.

10:00 a.m   Bosley ranch, Scottsdale (Rio Verde).  Inspection for Kadencia do Summerwind.  MM filly born 12/2016.

11:00 a.m.  OutWest Stallion Station. (see below)  Inspection for L*** do Summerwind, MM born any day now.

Call or text  Lynn Kelley 602-999-3915 to get directions to one or all farms!


April 29, Saturday evening

6:00 p.m.    Cookout and Marchador presentation on MM bloodlines and the standard of the Marchador breed.    (video will also be made available on youtube if you cannot attend)


April 30, Sunday  One day clinic

img_0047Learn how to evaluate and judge the Mangalarga Marchador breed.    A learning clinic where everyone participates!



Morning Classes – Horses under saddle or in-hand (youngsters welcome).

  • Marchador geldings – gait
  • Marchador mares – gait

Afternoon classes:  Horses in-hand:

  • Marchador geldings – conformation
  • Marchador mares – conformation

At this time, we have no plans for a stallion division, but can easily add one if you wish to participate with your Marchador stallion.

Depending on the horses entered, there may be 2 divisions in gait for marcha picada and marcha batida.

In Brazil, there are 5 judges in the arena.   The highest and lowest scores are discarded and the middle 3 are added together and averaged to come up with the winner of the event.    We will have 2 judges, plus the auditors to complete the scoring.   After each class, we will announce the results and the judges will go through their evaluation of the horses with why they scored them as they did and what attributes of each horse are the best.

Before or during the class, the judge may ask to ride each horse and/or help the rider with how to improve the gait of their horse.

Place:  OutWest Stallion Station
Address: 15419 E Rio Verde Dr, Scottsdale, AZ 85262
Time - starts at 9:00 a.m.   Be ready and saddled at 8:45
Lunch at Pinnacle Grille is included, unless you opt out.
Concludes at 3:00 p.m.
Contact Lynn Kelley 602-999-3915 to sign up or enter via PayPal below.

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