Future Foal “do Summerwind” expands in May. Joining the Summerwind investors and breeders are Cathy Pierce of Corpus Christi, TX and Laura Patterson and Victor Rosa of Gainesville, FL.

Cathy Pierce fell in love with Marchadors after riding them in Brazil at one of her exchange student’s family farm. Cathy adds 2 younger Marchador mares to the Summerwind reservation pool, with Destiny do Summerwind (La Paz Jivago x Chanel de Miami) and Cassandra do MManor (Frevo da Camaq x Ibiza da Boa Fe).
Laura Patterson Rosa and Victor Rosa are Brazilians who are here in the US as Laura pursues her doctorate degree at the University of Florida. She is a veterinarian who is researching Gait Genetics of the Mangalarga Marchador, but brings many other skills and years of experience to our group. Victor is a lawyer and trained interpreter and we plan to use his skills daily with our ventures to ensure the quality and diversity of the Marchador breed here by learning, working with Brazil and importing.
Read more about Laura and Victor here.
Future Foal offers frozen semen from 7 Marchador stallions, sometimes frozen embryos and reservations on Future Foals do Summerwind using our group of 14 Marchador mares. Future Foal reservations are available for a 2017 foal.
Our group of resources, investors and breeders are located in Scottsdale AZ, Sedona AZ, Pagosa Springs CO, Gainesville, FL and Corpus Christi, TX. Please contact us if you are interested in investing in creating and promoting the Mangalarga Marchador horse in North America.