SW Update – Congratulations to New Marchador Owners!

Congratulations to new owners of Mangalarga Marchadors here in the Southwest!  All great horse homes!

La Paz Jivago, 24k metallic dunskin, imported to the USValarie Giacalone, UT has purchased an SW Future Foal frozen embryo from Azenha de Maripa x La Paz Jivago (pictured left).  She made history when it took!  This will be the first Marchador foal produced from a frozen embryo in the U.S.!  It will be born in May 2013.  If it is a filly, the mare will be named Harlequin do Summerwind and if it’s a male, Hemingway do Summerwind.  Both Valarie and son Chris traveled here to Colorado (in August, after the breeding) to meet and ride the Marchadors and this is what Valarie wrote: If anyone was wondering, these horses are so much more magnificient in person than in their wonderful pictures! They could not be more perfect, and Chris and I are thrilled beyond words to be part of this family!


Debra Rowley, Dallas TX has purchased Flying Oaks Pegasus.   In a joint effort between Flying Oaks Ranch and SW Future Foal, the copper-bay gelding was sent to Ned Leigh of Ned Leigh Equine Focus, my equine transporter and horse trainer extraordinaire.   After she lost her mare,  Debra has been searching for a versatile horse that she can depend on and thinks Pegasus will be that guy.   Pegasus is a 3 year old, but has been climbing the ladder of experience with Ned to do long rides, water crossings, lateral work and will continue on with Ned with some specifics from Debra before heading to TX.   Ned says he is so light that he is a joy to ride.  Great gait too!


Oma de Maripa

Adrienne Scheck, Scottsdale AZ has reserved the Future Foal of Brasilia do Summerwind and Oma de Maripa!   Anyone who has met these 2 parents knows what a special horse this will be!   We couldn’t be more excited.  Expected late October or early November, code-named  Genghis-Khan do Summerind  (Adrienne has not picked new names), he/she will be a Mangalarga Marchador!   Power!  With a smooth and cadenced marcha batida gait, it will be a horse that can perform well at any discipline.  And Beautiful!   The first OMA foal in the U.S.!  SW has retained the breeding rights for the future, whether the foal be male or female, so it will be a shared day of joy for all of us!


Congratulations on getting your very first Marchador horse!!!!

Two very special SW Future Foals remain available for reservation. We guarantee our foals!   Expect to be IMPRESSED!!!!

#1   To be born 2/2013 in AZ:  Hermes do Summerwind (code name, you would get to name the foal if you decide to reserve it.)   The product of Azenha de Maripa, imported MM mare and Ximoio de Maripa, still in Brasil.  This will be our sport horse foal in the true tradition of Agro Maripa!  Ground covering marcha batida!  Add the bonus of the most beautiful features in the head and neck.  Almost pure Abaiba bloodlines, this foal will be the one that people will stop to watch.  Before it is born, I am predicting it may be the most beautiful Marchador in America.

Reserve Hermes for  $15,000 or reserve the foal in condominium with SW Future Foal for $10,000.  We are interested in future foals or breeding rights in exchange for the reduction in price.

#2 To be born 3/2013 in NC:  Hallelujah do Summerwind (code name, you would get to name the foal if you decide to reserve it.)  The product of Elba Cruzalta (Bella), imported MM mare and La Paz Jivago, imported MM stallion.  This foal will be a full brother to Tigre do Summerwind, a striped dun, who is still everyone’s sweetheart.   This foal will be pure pleasure, laid back, so smooth, but still athletic, a marcha picada or marcha de centro gait.

Reserve Hallelujah and sing Hallelujah for a great price – $6,500. (U.S. Parents)

Please visit the mare and stallion pages for more information about the parents and for more photos and videos..  We would be delighted to talk to you in depth about the Future Foal program, what we offer and if this approach would be right for you!

SW Future Foal offers a 10% appreciation discount on any product to our current SW Future Foal customers and to any Marchador breeder.



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