SW Future Foals started up in 2011, but our history with Mangalarga Marchadors goes back many years. We bought our first Mangalarga Marchador in 2001 and started a business, Summerwind Marchadors in 2004, importing and breeding these magnificent animals.
But, more stringent C-Elisa testing made importing more difficult and costly, and we found that it was difficult for us to part with our wonderful foals after we got to know them! So, in 2006, we became a private ranch, although we still dedicated huge efforts toward promoting the breed and working on importing frozen semen and frozen embryos from Brazil. It has been a 4 year effort, but in April 2011, we were successful in bringing in frozen semen from 3 superb Mangalarga Marchador stallions!
Please join us in our new venture to introduce a magnificent and unspoiled breed, but if you want to know our past, you can read our story here.