Gralha’s Pedigree

For a copy of Gralha’s pedigree,  please click on the link below

Gralha Pedigree.   PDF

One measure of greatness is Brasil’s ELITE book – a registry of National Champion Marchadors who also produced National Champions.  Parents and grandparents that are ELITE champions matter the most.  Further back in the pedigree, it becomes less of an indicator.

The ELITE book is not the only measure of quality however.   Some Marchador breeders prefer not to show their horses, but to prove them in other ways — like cavalgadas, sports, cattle and ranch work etc.

There are actually 2 ELITE books.  MM7 and MM8 (super elite).  Horses who are in MM8 are also in MM7.

  1. Enigma Scala SIRE (MM8 Super ELITE)
  2. Batuy da Santa Terezinha  GRAND SIRE (MM8 Super ELITE book)
  3. Irapuru Bela Cruz (MM8 Super Elite book)
  4. Cravina da Santa Terezinha  GRAND DAM
  5. Santo Antonio Angay
  6. Abaiba Marengo
  7. Abaiba Piaba
  8. Abaiba Canaria
  9. Abaiba Batuira (MM8 Super ELITE book)
  10. Furacao Bela Cruz
  11. Providencia Regente
  12. Herdade Jupia
  13. Providencia Regente