Arun DNA

Summerwind tests all our horses with Etalon Diagnostics.   This includes Color, Genetic Diseases, and Traits like Curiosity, Gait and more.    For more information on genetic research, testing and results, visit their website.

Coat Color:  Arun de Maripa has two Black alleles and no Red alleles, indicating the base coat color appears Black. One copy of the Dominant Agouti allele was detected; invisible on a Red base, it pushes/restricts Black out to points; legs, ear tips, etc. appearing Bay. As a result of the allele count in each of the following, he has a minimum 100% chance of passing Black, and 50% Dominant Agouti to any offspring.

Aa, EE, nd1/nd2

Traits: Arun de Maripa has not tested positive for any recessive disease alleles on this panel. The DNA was also tested on our discovery/validation platform for non-Dun Primitive Markings. Preliminary results indicate this horse is heterozygous for non-Dun Primitive Markings (nd1/nd2) and may pass it to 50% of any offspring.

  • Trait Genetics Lordosis* – None
  • Curiosity/Vigilance* – GG – Two Curiosity alleles detected; likely more curious than vigilant.
  • Myostatin/Speed – Two Endurance alleles detected; likely Endurance ability over Sprint.
  • Gait – No gait allele detected. (Marcha Batida)

More Information about Traits:

Curiosity and Vigilance

Temperament is a complex trait influenced by multiple genetic and environmental factors. Individual components of temperament are potentially under different controls. Curiosity in the horse has been defined as an interest in novel objects and a willingness to approach them. Vigilance refers to the tendency of a horse to examine its surroundings. For this particular SNP, horses homozygous for the G allele (G/G) displayed both higher curiosity and lower vigilance scores, whereas horses with one or two A alleles (A/A and G/A) had lower curiosity and higher vigilance scores.

Research Confidence:                      Moderate confidence, findings replicated in multiple species

More about Temperament…

Gaited: Loss of Canter

Horses display a wide variation in locomotion, with “gaited” breeds displaying a range of unique footfall patterns at intermediate speeds. Even amongst the non-gaited (trotting) breeds, some individuals are capable of lateral movements. Also, while most horses will shift into the three beat canter at higher speeds, some horses are able to remain in their intermediate gaits (for example, harness racing breeds). The A/A genotype for this test is associated with the ability to remain in the intermediate gait at higher speeds.

Research Confidence: High confidence, findings reproduced in multiple studies More about the Gait gene…